In one of my first blogposts I told about the lack of usability on Blackboard. Many students experience problems while using Blackboard: where to find deadlines, homework and activities? Besides students use Blackboard, they mainly have an agenda for the planning of other activities. To integrate a person’s school and social life, we designed the iPhone application Stufficient for the course User Interface Design. This application enables students to manage their courses, homework and deadlines in an agenda, make a to-do list, register for exams and check their results. But above all, this application can be personalized to meet the needs of any student.
Here are some previews of the different phases and our final design, however the real app will be kept secret until after the User Interface Design Symposium on may 18.
After a lot of brainstorm session we finally made a so-called low-fi design with the main functions of our app. First we pretested the app on paper. We wrote a few scenarios and let some respondents test these functions by clicking on them. After that a new screen was showed. Above you can see a preview of this phase.

Thanks to the low-fi evaluation we made some little changes to improve the application. Then we made our final design in photoshop. Finally, we had to program the whole application. Some screenshots are shown below.

Thanks to the low-fi evaluation we made some little changes to improve the application. Then we made our final design in photoshop. Finally, we had to program the whole application. Some screenshots are shown below.

If you want to see the real working application, please visit my website after may 18 or come to the User Interface Design Symposium to see our application and the projects of our classmates.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
User Interface Design
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Design of Digital Communication by Saskia Kanters 2010. Powered by Blogger.
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This blog is written for the course Business Information Technology. Hope you enjoy!
“Design of not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Steve Jobs
“Design of not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Steve Jobs
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- Saskia Kanters
- Student Business Communication and Digital Media @ Tilburg University
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