Hello everyone! Here is a quick update. I know it has been almost two weeks since my latest blogpost, but I'm back and this time with a brand new layout!
I have chosen a blue layout, because I was reading a very interesting research article about the influence of color on the purchasing habits of shoppers. It was an article of Bellizi, who investigated two colors, blue and red, within an electronics store. In the experiment where the store was blue, the visitors stayed longer in the store and were more likely to buy something than when the store was colored red. The people who were in the red store quickly left. I thought if this works for stores, it might also work for blogs. Of course I do not want my visitors to leave quickly, thus I thought a new blue layout was the best option. Within a few weeks I will see the results in Google Analytics, so let's hope my hypothesis is right. Moreover, I did not want to frighten you away with a red layout, as you could see in my previous post.
I have spent quite some time figuring out the HTML, but it is more or less finished right now. I'm very curious what you think, so let me know! Moreover, I have a lot of new and interesting updates for you, so stay tuned!
2 comments to "Back on track with a brand new layout"
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“Design of not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Steve Jobs
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- Saskia Kanters
- Student Business Communication and Digital Media @ Tilburg University
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Margot says:
Looks good! Let's see if it works :)
Anonymous says:
Blue is more relaxed or something, I don't know but I like it more than a red lay out.